When big-city speculators cheat him out of his Virginia farm, old time gentleman farmer Nat Banks leaves his family and makes a new home in a cave on the creek, inspiring a community-wide rebellion as he eventually fights his way back home. Nat won’t go down without a fight!
Crazy Like A Fox is the story of a man who can’t take “You’re evicted” for an answer. The pride of possession from so many generations on the same soil simply makes it impossible for him to move. Rather than a rental house in town, he moves into a cave by the creek that runs through the back of his former property instead.
He spends the summer there in a kind of Robinson Crusoe splendor in the wilds of Virginia, until the cold rains of November make the folly of his situation overwhelming. But when new owners leave Greenwood empty to spend the winter in Palm Springs, Nat and his family just move back in, to reclaim their family home until the spring thaw brings about a final confrontation between the dubious forces of progress and the old guard of Virginia.
Crazy Like A Fox stars Emmy Award nominee and Royal Shakespeare Company veteran Roger Rees and two-time Academy Award nominee Mary McDonnell as Nat’s wife Amy. It was written and directed by Richard Squires, an actor, director and playwright with La Mama Amsterdam, the Players Theatre of New England, and Brecht West theatres.
Best Picture, Charleston Film Festival
Official Selection: Festival Cinema Costume & Mode, Tunisia
European Premiere, Cannes Film Festival Market
World Theatrical Premiere: Regal Union Square, NYC
Special Invitation, American Conservation Film Festival
Special Invitation, Piedmont Filmmakers Festival
Official Selection, American Film Renaissance Festival, Los Angeles
Official Selection, Newport Beach Film Festival
DC Filmmaker Award, D.C. Independent Film Festival.
Official Selection, Santa Fe Film Festival
Slate Award for Best Director, California Independent Film Festival
Official Selection, Savannah Film Festival
Director's Choice Award for Cinematography, Woods Hole Film Festival
Special Invitation, DC International Film Festival
“The excellent British actor Roger Rees has a raucous and randy field day playing Nat Banks, a sensitive, intelligent country codger... upholding the values and traditions of the Old South”
Rex Reed - New York Observer
A light-hearted, musical romp through the terror-torture complex of the military-media-security state, in the Guantanamo Show Trial of Osama bin Laden.
Best Picture, Barbary Coast Short Film Festival
“A very good film; possibly a great film”
James Flannery - Director, William Butler Yeats Drama Foundation
Pinkie packs it in when Hermey comes to take him on a boat ride down the river to the temple of Plutonia, god of the underworld.